Audit Client

Audit Client

ISO Consultancy Hits: 442

QI: Step 1: Analyze the gap

Analysis and evaluation of the current situation (for the work system) in line with the requirements of the brand and according to the following:
- Code of conduct for the brand.
- Brand handling policy.
- Occupational safety and health requirements for the brand.
- Environmental requirements for the brand.
- Product quality requirements and specifications of the brand.
- Community participation in the brand.
- Information on companies that deal with the brand.
- Supplier Standards.
- Security and safety requirements for the product while handling the brand.
- Take a sample of some workers and conduct interviews.

Step 1: Training and awareness
Conducting training courses for the team (representative of each department) and awareness of the following:
- Code of conduct for the brand.
- Brand handling policy.
- Occupational safety and health requirements for the brand.
- Environmental requirements for the brand.
- Product quality requirements and specifications of the brand.
- Community participation in the brand.
- Information on companies that deal with the brand.
- Supplier Standards.
- Security and safety requirements for the product while handling the brand.

Step 2: Authentication
Create the following documents for the work system within the company in accordance with the requirements of the brand:
1. Labor policies include:
Quality, Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Policy.
- Policy file contents of the worker.
- The company's policy of non-discrimination.
- The policy of non-harassment and abuse.
- Children's non-employment policy.
- Employment policy without coercion.
- Wage policy and overtime & method of calculation of remuneration and its components.
- Working hours calculation policy.
- Organization of work regulations.
- The necessary business policy that requires the operation of workers for additional hours.
- Policy when submitting the resignation of an individual and staff.
- Annual evaluation policy for employees.
- The policy of complying with all the obstacles of the laws governing customs operations.
Freedom policy and formation of trade union organization.
- The company's policy in verifying the criminal status of new employees.
- Party evacuation policy.
- Ethical policy.
- Prohibited policy.
- The policy of providing an appropriate working environment.
- Policy of operating security personnel.
- Security policy.
- The company's policy to act when there are any violations.
- The policy of handing over the card to the worker.
- Awareness policy for new security workers.
- Policy of container shipping and delivery to customs.
- Policy of rewarding employees who report security to any violations.
- Data retention policy and confidentiality of information on computers.
Complaints and Suggestions Policy.
- Container inspection policy.
- Broken / used needles policy.
- Metal Detection Policy.
- Cleanliness policy.
- Policy and requirements of health conditions.
- Occupational safety and health regulations.

2. Community responsibility guide.
3. Establishment of work procedures include:
- Procedures for the control of documented information.
- Internal audit procedures.
- Management review procedures.
- Human resources and training procedures.
Risk and opportunity assessment procedures.
- Basic work procedures (operation / service).
- Quality control procedures.
- Procedures for controlling cases of non-conformity and corrective actions.
- Procurement procedures and supplier evaluation.
- Maintenance / calibration procedures.
- Storage and trading procedures.
- Compliance with laws and regulations.
- Preventing the employment of forced laborers.
- Prevention of child labor.
- Prevention of harassment, abuse and oppression.
- Conducting benefits.
- Make an account and organize working hours.
- Prevention of discrimination.
- Organizing trade unions and their role.
- To comply with customs laws and regulations.
- Conducting the torrent.
- Inspection of containers.
- Security.
- Community responsibility instructions.

Step 3: Application
The above procedures are explained to all departments and departments and assist the company in the process of implementation and implementation and provide support in respect of the adjustments to:
- Policies.
- Community responsibility guide.
- Community responsibility procedures.
- Community responsibility instructions.

Step 4: Internal Audit and Management Review
Preparing and preparing for the implementation of the internal audit through:
1. Selection of internal auditors.
2. Composition of the internal audit committee.
3. Preparing the internal audit plan.
4. Notify the concerned departments of the timing and timing of the internal audit.
5. Preparation for the implementation of internal audit and preparation of checklists.
6. Perform internal audit on departments & take sample of some workers and interview them.
7. Take corrective actions resulting from internal audit.
8. Internal audit report and termination of the audit plan.
9. Prepare for the management review meeting.
10. Inform the concerned of the agenda of the meeting.
11. Hold the meeting and discuss the agenda of the meeting.
12. Make decisions about the meeting.
13. Follow up on the implementation of the resolutions.
Step 5: Execute External Audit (Customer Audit).
Contact and communicate with the third party (specific) external auditor and implement the following stages:
- Request a quote.
- Study and approve the bid and write the contract of agreement.
- Determination of the implementation dates of the audit.
- Implementation of external audit (third party).
- Make corrective actions and action plan (if any).
