ISO 22000:2018

ISO 22000:2018

ISO Consultancy Hits: 417

QI :implementation of the agreed work stages:

Step 1: Choose the right standard
Help the client correctly determine which qualifiers match
- Customer requirements.
- State requirements (laws and regulations / local standards).
- Compliance with food safety requirements and conditions.

Step 2: Make the correct choice for the certification device
Provide advice and support in the selection of the external auditor (third party) which is appropriate to the needs of both
- Customer requirements.
- State requirements (Egyptian laws and regulations / standards).
- Compliance with food safety requirements and conditions.

Step 3: Analyze the gap
Analysis and evaluation of the current situation (for the work system) in accordance with the requirements of ISO 22000: 2018.
Step 4: Training and awareness
Conducting training courses for the team (HACCP / QC team) and awareness of the following:
1. Food Safety Management System Requirements ISO 22000: 2018
2. Advanced Auditing Principles in accordance with ISO 19011: 2018.

Step 4: Training and awareness
Conducting training courses for the team (HACCP / QC team) and awareness of the following:
1. Food Safety Management System Requirements ISO 22000: 2018
2. Advanced Auditing Principles in accordance with ISO 19011: 2018.

Step 5: Authentication
Establishment of the following documents for the work system within the company:
1. Food safety policy.
Food Safety Manual.
3. Guide to basic requirements of the HACCP system.
4. Establishment of work procedures include:
- Procedures for the control of documented information.
- Internal audit procedures.
- Management review procedures.
- Human resources and training procedures.
Risk and opportunity assessment procedures.
Risk assessment procedures. Food safety.
- Institutional context procedures and analysis and classification of interested / interested parties.
- Procedures for internal and external communications.
- Emergency preparedness and response procedures.
- Verification and control procedures.
- Procedures for establishing operational programs.
- HACCP plans.
- Procedures for withdrawing and recalling the product.
- HACCP plan (each product).
- Procedures for controlling cases of non-conformity and corrective actions.
- Procedures for improvement and continuous development.
5- Operating instructions for food safety.

Step 6: Application
The above procedures are explained to all departments and departments and assist the company in the process of implementation and implementation and provide support in respect of the adjustments to:
Food Safety Policy.
Food Safety Manual / Basic Requirements of the HACCP System.
- Food safety procedures.
Food safety instructions.

Step 7: Internal Audit and Management Review
Preparing and preparing for the implementation of the internal audit through:
1. Selection of internal auditors.
2. Composition of the internal audit committee.
3. Preparing the internal audit plan.
4. Notify the concerned departments of the timing and timing of the internal audit.
5. Preparation for the implementation of internal audit and preparation of checklists.
6. Implementation of internal audit.
7. Take corrective actions resulting from internal audit.
8. Internal audit report and termination of the audit plan.
9. Prepare for the management review meeting.
10. Inform the concerned of the agenda of the meeting.
11. Hold the meeting and discuss the agenda of the meeting.
12. Make decisions about the meeting.
14. Follow-up to the implementation of resolutions.
Step 8: Certificate.
Contact and communicate with the third party (specific) external auditor and implement the following stages:
- Request a quote.
- Study and approve the bid and write the contract of agreement.
- Determination of the implementation dates of the audit.
- Implementation of external audit (third party).
- Action on corrective action and action plan (if any)
Obtain the certificate.
